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RightStart with Waldorf

I'm just wondering if any of you are using RightStart Math but homeschool in a Waldorf way. I have RightStart levels A and B for my 6 and 7 year old, but am wanting to switch my inspiration at home to the Waldorf method. However, I know this is a great program. I'm just trying to figure out how to mesh the two. Would you do RS daily in addition to the Waldorf Main Lesson Blocks? Would you try to create math blocks out of the RS lessons? Just curious.



Re: RightStart with Waldorf

Greetings Melissa,
We are using a modified Waldorf method - modified as in tailored to meet my daughters needs specifically, while following a Waldorf model for the day. I just got my Right Start Level B for her and even though it is different from the Waldorf math, I'm not very clear on the Waldorf math so decided to go with Right Start. I also know that at the Waldorf school in our town they use a different curriculum in the upper grades.
My daughter went to kindergarten in a very high pressure environment. I feel that Right start is closer to Waldorf philosophy on how children learn, with the songs and manipulatives, than the piles of worksheets she was expected to do at that school.
From the research I've done on Waldorf homeschooling it seems that most people just adapt to their own child's needs, unless they're shelling out a lot of money on purchasing a curriculum. We are on a shoestring budget and have spent minimal amounts on materials aside from purchasing Right Start.

Hope this helps some!