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PDF for Games book appendix?

I recently got the RS Games kit and really enjoyed reading through it this week and picking out games to do with my daughter (2nd grade). I want to do some things with my son too (age 4), but many of the "number sense" games require pages from the appendix. We have a good quality printer, but access to a copier is harder to come by and it's not as good quality. Is there any way to obtain the appendix pages in PDF form so I can print them?


Re: PDF for Games book appendix?

I also think it would be nice if there was an option to buy the workbook and appendix pages in PDF.

Re: PDF for Games book appendix?

I would love, LOVE to have everything but the teacher's manual in digital form. A lot of curriculum is available in digital format these days. Maybe one day RightStart will join in. :)