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Transitioning from Montessori school...

This is my first year homeschooling my 7 year old son. He attended a Montessori school last year. I purchased RS math initially because I couldn't afford all of the Montessori math materials. I have level C and we are on the transition lessons. My son is asking to play certain games that he really enjoyed in school - snake game, ect. I could purchase some of what he wants - but would these games confuse him or interfere with what he is working on with RS?

Re: Transitioning from Montessori school...

To my understanding, the snake game is all about regrouping, in that it 'converts' 2+9+8+3 to 10+10+2. That's totally in keeping with RS addition strategies.

I think the vast majority of Montessori activities would work just fine with RS, since Dr Cotter was a Montessori teacher herself, and many of the RS activities are already very much just Montessori activities slightly re-worked.

I actually made my own set of wooden bead bars from 1-10, instead of being "golden" though, they're bi-coloured like the RS abacus. So, for instance, the 8 bar is 5 dark beads and 3 light ones. I plan to use these exactly like the snake game. My daughter is almost 4, in level A, and has the "9 is 5 and 4" stuff down PAT. We did some loose Montessori stuff during her toddler/preschool years.

Re: Transitioning from Montessori school...

Heather, thanks for your input. I did not know exactly how the snake games worked. I guess I will need to become familiar with them soon... My son has also asked if we could get the bead and chain materials - your method sounds much more affordable :) Could you share how you were able to attach the beads to the wood and actually make them stay put?

Re: Transitioning from Montessori school...

Making them yourself isn't necessarily more affordable, it depends on whether you can find the materials cheaply. I actually looked quite awhile before I found wooden beads that would be cheaper than buying them premade!

It's wooden beads strung onto jewelry wire. I got the method from another Montessori blog, I can't find the link right now, but here's my blog post where at least there's a picture of them:

If you just want plastic beads, it's way cheaper, but I wanted wood.

As for the snake game, there are several online sites with information on Montessori activities, including some complete Montessori manuals.

Re: Transitioning from Montessori school...


Thank you for your message. Also thank you to Heather for her responses. You and your son will be happy to know that many of the RS games will compliment his Montessori background.

You can read more about Dr. Cotter and her Montessori history here (

I hope this helps, if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.