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ordinal counting--right to left or left to right?

We just started RS Level A this week. On day two, it begins ordinal counting--first, second, and third. The instructor's guide says to have the child find 3 toys and put them in a line for a visual. I did this with my DD yesterday and referred to the toy on the left as first. This was what I did without giving it much thought, since we read left to right, and since in RS the left hand is used for numbers 1-5. Then I thought about it later and wondered if the one on the right should have been labeled "first"? I am thinking of place value, the ones column, etc. Am I over-thinking this? Does it even matter?

Re: ordinal counting--right to left or left to right?


Thank you for your message. It would be correct for your daughter to select the item at the left first just as if she was reading, left to right.

Don't worry about the concept of place value and looking at the right first. Your daughter was correct by choosing the left as the first one, she is following the RightStart way of thinking.

I hope this helps, please let me know if there is anything else we can help with.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.