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Lesson 79 level C

Please help! We are doing the "stars in hexagons" and my daughter is getting a headache from all the lines! Can you tell me what exactly is the point of these lessons? I understand the end result in the tessellating hexagons and identifying different shapes, but I need to encourage her somehow in why she is doing this. Thank you!

Re: Lesson 79 level C


Thank you for your message. Sorry to hear of the headaches, let us help remedy this situation.

I asked Dr. Cotter for some insight as to what information she could give to assist in your situation. She said, "Most children really enjoy making the stars. Some color them. When making the star, the child practices following written instructions. She also works on coordination and learns to take pride in her work though precision and care. Additionally, seeing figures within figures aids in developing spatial skills."

I hope this helps, please let me know if you need any further assistance.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.