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number reversals

Help! My almost-8 year old is still reversing many of her numbers. She seems to understand many math concepts pretty easily, but writes her numbers backwards. Should I correct her when she does this in her math lesson or wait for handwriting practice time? I think I am frustrating her math lesson by constantly correcting her writing.

Thanks for your help!

Re: number reversals

It's not unusual at all. You might consider having her make a ruler or card with numbers 0-9 that she can do in her very best writing that she can use as a reference piece to keep looking at. You can also have her practice in big sweeping movements writing on a white board; sometimes it helps to tie in the gross motor and the fine motor. I do correct them every time to accustom mine to seeing it properly, but I do it very casually, without fussing. You need to catch them in the act, really, for the correction to help. Every time they do it right, their muscle memory grows, but the reverse is true as well, so stopping malformation in it's tracks helps a lot.

Re: number reversals


Thank you for your message. In addition, thank you to Kristina for your response.

I think Kristina is spot on with with her answer. As we know each child is unique and an individual, but I feel that her answer is a very nice idea.

I hope this helps, if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.