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Integrating Math Card Games with Math-U-See

I bought the Math Card Games Kit because it was listed as being compatible with Math-U-See. But now that I have it, I am completely lost to figure out how to integrate it, because there are no guidelines of any kind in the book that I can find for integrating it with any math curriculum. I wanted the card games to help with learning basic facts, instead of flash cards, because the flash cards we've been doing are beyond boring at this point, as well as wanting it to help reinforce some of the Math-U-See concepts instead of repeated drill on the worksheets.

I'm not interested in switching to Right Start Math at this point, because I simply can't afford it. And I already had the Math-U-See blocks, and had years of experience using it, so it's just easier for me to stick with it at this point. But I would like to know if anyone has any sort of plan for integrating the Math Card Games with Math-U-See, as is listed on the Right Start Math's web page, or if I'm going to have to figure it out for myself?

Re: Integrating Math Card Games with Math-U-See


Thank you for your message. You are right, RightStart Math can be used with other curriculums.

However at this time we do not have a specific guideline for how to integrate our Math Card Games with other programs. I would suggest when going over a specific subject like money, you use any of the 19 games listed in that chapter. As the games progress in each chapter they become more difficult.

If you are looking for some basic addition facts I would suggest starting out in the beginning of the addition chapter and trying each of them. A very popular and fun game is Go to the Dump. This game works with many basic concepts while making learning them fun!

I would also suggest looking at our videos that we have posted on YouTube (, this will give you great ideas as to how many of the games work.

I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other questions.

Make it a great day

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.