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is my book old? new worksheets work with it?

I just bought a used level a lessons book. copyright 2001. there are not worksheets or appendix pages in the back. if I buy the student worksheets book will it coincide with my book? does it include the appendix? Is there any reason I'd want to just buy a brand new book instead?

Re: is my book old? new worksheets work with it?


Thank you for your message. We do not have the worksheets for Level A in the back of the lessons book, however we do have 26 appendix pages included in that book.

Just to clarify there will be a 2001 copyright listed at the bottom of each of our levels Lesson books. You can find the print date on the back of the first page, located at the bottom of the page. Our most recent print date of Level A is June 2010, and there are currently 77 lessons in Level A. You can use this information to help compare your book to our most recent print.

You can also purchase our A and B appendix pages ( for $10 which would give you all the pages you need.

I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.