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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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"As I read through the instruction book I kept being referred back to the appendix with pages that need to be copied onto card stock, laminated, and cut out. In addition to that, there are sandpaper numbers that I'll have to buy sandpaper for, copy the backwards number sheet, cut out, attach to the sandpaper to cut that out and attach red dots to with no explanation as to where these red dots are supposed to come from."

After reading this review on another website, I wanted to add that I have thought. I love the program, but when I recommend it to people I usually give this warning--they will have to make some of their own visual cards. I feel that your program could be enhanced by adding the finger, tally stick, bead cards, the sandpaper number cards for sale that are already made up. I think parents would gladly buy them with the plastic coating on (expect the sandpaper ones!)cards. Thank you for considering this. Jan

Re: Manipulatives


Thank you for your message and this information. We are pleased to offer the Level A and B Appendix pages already copied on card stock for customers to purchase. This product, Levels A and B Appendices ( is priced at $10. This product saves parents a lot of time and money.

We do not however have the sandpaper numbers for purchase at this time, they are suggested for the game Writing Numbers (N11) in the Math Card Games Book. We do have suggestions for the dot locations also along with that games instructions. Although the sandpaper numbers would be something we suggest for parents to make on their own. We do offer a suggestion for what brand of sandpaper to use to have the most success.

I hope this answers some of your questions. Feel free to let me know if there is anything else we can help with.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.

Re: Manipulatives

While I agree that it would be nice if RS offered the sandpaper numbers for sale themselves, if you really think they'd be useful for your family, you can also get them ready-made from any Montessori outlet since they're a standard Montessori manipulative.