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Post a message or simply read what others have written and answered. Rachel, a RightStart™ Math user and one of our customer care people, will be monitoring this forum. She will respond to your questions as needed.

Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Re: which level


Thank you for your message. As you stated your daughter would be at about a 4th grade level in math making her equivalent to RightStart Level E. You can download a sampler of Level E ( to ensure that this is the correct level.

Her trouble with addition would benefit from playing our math card games (which are sold with a Level E kit). Playing the games will help her with her facts and make learning fun.

I hope this helps, if you have any additional questions, we would be happy to answer them.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.