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Re: solutions to warm up Lesson 6 level E

Linda, these puzzles crop up in each lesson for the rest of the book. There are usually several solutions for each one, and Right Start will give some suggested answers.

They give 3+4=2+5
and 3+4-2=5

My daughter really struggles with them, too.

Sometims it's easier for her if I suggest that an equal sign might go in a particular place, or I'll suggest using addition on both sides...

Often, I think I might not come up with answers without the answers there in the book! Especially as they get more complex!

It's a terrific thinking exercise.

There's a math game like Scrabble called SMATH, and it's like this - kids have to create equations with tiles that they draw. Same kind of thought process in action. It shouldn't be torture. Even if you end up examining things you can do together using the answer book sometimes.

But get used to them. They're there for the next 70+ lessons, I think!

Re: solutions to warm up Lesson 6 level E


Thank you for your message. Kristina was right on with her answer to your question.

It is great to know that we get a little "brain exercise" also by doing RightStart with our children! :)

Let me know if you need anything else, I would be happy to help.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.