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Re: Geometry - the proofs?

Thanks, Heather...

Am I correct then in thinking of SAS, ASA, SSS, AAA as "proofs" of equal triangles, then?

I loved that part of grade 11 math...which is interesting, because I detested math in school and did badly until we hit geometry and then fell in love.

Okay, I'll tell her. She was curious about Life of Fred, but I only have the first 2 books on loan to me right now to look at, so couldn't comment about geometry. What a weird program LoF is - I can't make up my mind whether I like it or not, so I'm going to do a test run and see whether my daughter buys into the oddness or is repelled.

Re: Geometry - the proofs?


Heather is right with her answer about RightStart. It appears that her answer was just what you were looking for.

Let me know if there is anything else we can help with.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.