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RS E Lesson 79

Two points that I found kind of funny today:

Question #10: Four books cost fifteen dollars. What does each one cost?

My daughter, knowing fully what I expected her to do, cheerfully said "One is $10, one is $3, and two are $1.


Question #13: the one about exchanging his change for dollar bills. My daughter correctly tallied the cash to $2.58 and said, "He can't have any bills."

Because we're Canadian. And our lowest bill is $5. So she was right....

Re: RS E Lesson 79


Thank you for your message. It was interesting to hear about the Level E, Lesson 79, Question 13 problem with the dollar bills. I apologize for that error in our Canadian print editions.

That thought had not occurred to us, I did forward the information onto the correct department to get corrected.

Thank you again for notifying us. Great job adapting your lesson guidance to your daughter who indeed did have the right answer! :)

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.