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Help on placement level

I'm having trouble figuring out if my son is on track for his grade, or if I need to speed him up. He's going into 3rd grade this year, and the placement test has him on level C (although I think he's already learned a lot of the concepts, doing Singapore 2A & 2B). Should I try to have him do C and D in one year?

Or should I be happy doing only level C this year? I want him to eventually be able to take calculus in high school (I know, I'm really looking far into the future...)

If he does only level C this year, I think this would be his progression:

level C-3rd grade
level D-4th grade
level E-5th grade
G Geometry-6th grade
Videotext Interactive Algebra-7th grade

What progression would you recommend so he'll be ready for calculus in high school?

Thanks so much for any advice!

Re: Help on placement level


Thank you for your message. If you did Level C you would be on the correct progression as you stated in your message.

Considering you are toggling between two levels, I would suggest first working on the transition lessons to help determine exactly what level your son should begin at. There is a guide on the table of contents explaining how to guide your child through the lessons in order to place them at the correct level.

You are a smart parent to plan ahead! I hope my suggestion works well for you and your family. Let us know if there is anything else that we can assist with.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.