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Re: P31 Product Card Speed

Hi Cassie,

We're still having difficulty understanding the Product Card Speed game. If we are to be using the blue Product / Multiplication Cards, we are holding in our hand several numbers above 10, but the directions state that we are to play only factors under 10. What if I am holding 4 cards in my hand that are all above the number 10? For instance, recently when we were trying to play the game, I was dealt 50, 36, 40, and 20. None of these cards are playable. What is done with these cards? Are they just discarded?

Also- The directions state that four cards should be dealt to two reserve piles. That's two cards per pile not four cards each to each pile, right? The picture in the Card Games Book on p. 75 show reserve piles that have at least 7 cards in each of them.

Another question - Because the rules state than when neither person can play, each player turns over the next card from their reserve piles, I assume that a player can play on his own or his competition's pile, right? -OR- Does a person play only to his own pile?

I'm sure I'm understanding something incorrectly and appreciate your help.

Re: P31 Product Card Speed


Thank you for your message. I did play the game with a co-worker and we realized that the problem you reported may very well occur when playing this game. I am going to research this to ensure we can offer clarity if this situation would occur.

Thank you again for contacting us. I will keep you posted on the progress of this revision.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.