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Re: addition and other strategies--what if your student doesn't "get" it?

I actually talked with a representative at a home school conference. I think I thought my dd knew her facts better than she did (1-10) or she didn't retain them as well as I thought she had. I did think about starting her again in a lower level, but she is 9 1/2 and it would set her back a lot to do a whole level lower I believe. She has done well with the transition lessons until we hit T21. I wondered if I should just show her on the abacus and let her figure them out using the abacus and let the facts become more real to her? She just couldn't see how it was easier to jump to the next even or odd number than it was to just count two up (starting with the twos) and certainly couldn't see the answer for facts with twos in them (22+7). I couldn't seem to explain it very clearly and the TE seems to assume that this will be an easy concept and not need a lot of additional explaining. Maybe that's because kids at the C level usually don't need a lot of visuals? Thanks so much for your help?

Re: addition and other strategies--what if your student doesn't "get" it?


Thank you for your speedy reply. From what you have mentioned you would be just fine to do level C and you already made it to Lesson T21.

As far as using the abacus for some of the problems, feel free to let her do that. Your daughter will "put down" the abacus when she realizes she knows that answers and it takes more time to move the beads to get the answer. Feel free to use any of our manipulatives to assist your daughter in any way needed. In addition feel free to play more of the card games, this will help her with her facts and make math fun.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any further questions.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.