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Multiplication Algorithm

We're on Lesson 95 of Level D. On p. 191 we are learning about the multiplication algorithm. An example is given and the following is stated, "For writing the carries on top, one way is to cross out the row before starting the next multiplier." A #1 is shown crossed out with another #1 written above it. Shouldn't the second #1 be written above the 2 of the 24 so when one multiplies the 2 x 3 he doesn't forget to add an additional 1 to get 7? To put the 1 above the 4 it would seem the person should add an additional 1 to 12 (3 x 4). Or does RightStart do this differently than how I was taught? I'm confused.

Re: Multiplication Algorithm


Thank you again, I did reply to your second message.
