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WHere can I find the errata sheet for RS Geo Approach?


I've been reading through RS Geo Approach and have noticed that several lessons have symbols that are missing in the Lessons book. This has a 2009 copyright date.

For ex:
Pg. 30. A=w h
Actually, in algebra, which has lots of formulas, the operator " " is not written.

I assume the missing symbol in both is "x."

Pg. 31
A= wh (large rectangle) - wh (square)
A= 21 9-6 6
A=189 - 36

The next two solutions all have the same error.

Another on pg33,


Re: WHere can I find the errata sheet for RS Geo Approach?


Thank you for your message. The information you provided has been given to Dr. Cotter for review. Once confirmed they will be published on the Geometric Approach corrections and updates page of our website. (

Thank you for the information you supplied. If we can be of further assistance, please let me know.

Make it a great day,

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