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Does Level B review level A?

Hi there,

I'm getting towards the end of level A with my almost 6yr old son, and he's doing pretty well with it, although there are a few things that need some work. Two things stand out especially - he plays Go to the Dump very slowly, using the abacus for most of his addition facts to 10, and counting by odd numbers he gets tripped up past nine. There's also some lessons here and there which I could definatly go back and review with him.

So I'm wondering, for our summer plans (we school a bit through the summer), should I go ahead and order up and begin level B, or spend more time going through Level A?

Re: Does Level B review level A?


Thank you for your message. I would recommend playing more of the card games as a review for concepts that you feel he is needing additional practice in. Also the Level B does spend the following lessons reviewing Level A; 1-7, 9-14, and 17-23.

Typically we recommend if a child has completed Level A they do not need to do those lessons at the beginning of Level B. However, they can be used for a review of Level A.

I hope this helps, please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.