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Multiplcation: 6's

My son is in Level C. We are working on multiplying by 6. The book makes notice that 6 is double 3. I assume this is the preferred method for figuring out (as opposed to rote memorizing) the sixes.

I personally find it easier to use the 5's as my foundation and add one more of the multiplicand. Ie. in 8x6 I would think 8x5=40, 40+8=48. (rather than 8x3=24, 24+24=48).

Would there be any hindrance in future lessons if I encouraged my son to do this? He is much quicker with his 5's than 3's.

Note: I ask b/c I've found that when I've altered things/methods in the past, that it impacted later lessons that built off a particular method/line of thought.


Re: Multiplcation: 6's


Thank you for your message. The method of using 5's is just fine and will have no impact on future lessons. Happy teaching!

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.

Re: Multiplcation: 6's

Thank you, Cassie!