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fraction charts/puzzle/magnet etc


I'm starting my third duo of kids in level C shortly. I see that the fraction charts are required for this level. We have the wooden fraction puzzle and the set of 2 laminated fraction charts.

I'm wondering...does anyone have an opinion on the new plastic ones (how durable/thick etc) and the magnetic fraction chart? Likes and dislikes?

The magnetic one seems nice since the pieces would hopefully stay put. But don't you usually need 2 charts and not just one?

Can anyone compare all 4 types for me?


Fraction Chart Choices


We feel the new plastic fraction charts are better than the laminated simply because of the durability issues. The new plastics also provide one chart pre-cut. Of course, the laminated charts will do the job nicely with less expense.

I know many people that LOVE the fraction puzzle board and that's all they want!

The fraction magnet is more of a supplement, but, as you said, they will stay in place a bit better. I personally find them a bit hard to get off the magnetic surface, but maybe that's a personal problem!

It really comes down to your choice. It's more important that you have a chart than what the chart is made up of.

Have a great day and play a math card game!
