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Lesson 65, Level D

On p. 131 (Level D, Lesson 65)there is a chart comparing the number of 10s with the number of digits. For the number 100, my son answered "10 rows" because 10 x 10 = 100 for the "Rows of tens" column, yet the answer listed in the book is 2. We had a similar difficulty for the number 1000. Should the heading of this column really be something like "Number of Directions for Rows of Tens" rather than "Rows of tens"?

Thank you!

Re: Lesson 65, Level D

In my opinion, it is wrong.

Even in the above problem #2, she gives us direction on how to understand it, so I believe it should read

10=1 row
100=10 rows
1000= 100 rows
