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Re: Struggling in Level B

How does he do in other subjects? Is there a chance he knows the answer, but giving you an impossible answer because he's bored or "messing" with you?

Keep us posted. I'm curious to hear how he does. I find myself rolling this situation around in my thoughts, so I'd like to hear "the rest of the story".


Re: Struggling in Level B

This may not be the rest of the story, but it is an update...

My son does pretty well in most subjects. I didn't mention before that he is deaf, though he does have cochlear implants. So, hearing is no longer a problem, but complex language can still be troublesome.

I don't think he's "messing" with me, but I do think his mindset has a lot to do with it. We do math with his younger brother, who comes by math very easily. I notice that when his brother has an off day, he suddenly has much stronger math skills.

I have been using the abacus more, and I can see some improvement. I wouldn't say the problem is solved, but it has only been a couple weeks, so I'm encouraged. Thanks again for the insight. Hopefully with some games this summer, he will be more on-track before we begin Level C.

Blessings, Amy