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Level A and Level C

My apologies for the delay in responding. We have two people out on maternity leave, spring flooding here in ND, and are attending homeschool conventions across the country. It's been busy here!

The best way to purchase Levels A and C is to get the Starter Kit Level C (as it has a greater savings than the Level A Starter Kit), then add in the Level A books and manipulatives. Here's the list:

Starter Kit Level C
Level C Worksheets (for the second older child)
Transition Worksheets (for the second older child again)
Drawing Set (for the second older child)
Level A Lessons
Level A Worksheets
Tally Sticks (maybe you have some popsicle sticks around the house?)
Yellow is the Sun CD (which can also download from the website)
Geometry Reflector (a handheld mirror will do the trick)
Geoboards (need to be 6 or 7 pegs)
AL Abacus Standard (you'll get one in your Starter Kit; we highly recommend one per child, therefore you'll need two more)

I hope this helps. Again, my apologies for the delay in responding.
