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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Re: Corners

My apologies for the delay in responding. We have two people out on maternity leave, spring flooding here in ND, and are attending homeschool conventions across the country. It's been busy here!

Well, you're making me think! This is a good question.

I got up to get a deck of cards, and, before I sat down to play around, I started to add up what I might be looking for. I came up with scores of 20 + 15 + 15 + 15, which equals 65! Or, it could be 20 + 10 + 15 + 20 which is also 65. As I started to play, I realized that in order to get four sums with four cards, it needed to be a square.

In the lesson, it asks what the four cards might be. Being the curious sort, I just had to know. I'm not going to give you the answer, but I'll tell you my process for finding the four cards. First, I pulled out all the cards with 10 and sorted by color. I knew that I'd have to find two sets of 10s (to give me 20 + 20), then find the two sets that will match to make 15 and 10. I found a set. I'm curious if there are more, but, sadly, not curious enough to look. Let me know if you find more than one group!


Re: Corners

OK. Couldn't help myself. I continued to play and found a number of combinations, but they totaled less than 65. It was an interesting (and rather addicting....)
