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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Levels C, D & E are each one year

RightStart Mathematics is written with the understanding that lessons are done daily, taking a school year for each level. This curriculum is written based on the math proficiency worldwide, not just the United States. Most everyone knows that the US is not doing well compared to the rest of the world.

We recommend lessons be taught 5 days a week for a school year (assuming 36 weeks for a school year). Based on this plan, here is the length of time it will take to complete:

Level A 32 weeks
Level B 30 weeks
Level C 32 weeks
Level D 29 weeks
Level E 28 weeks

There are clearly marked lessons that will take more than one day to complete. Of course, each child and each family will have their variables.

Let us know if you have additional questions. Have a great day and play a math card game!
