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Re: Level E and after

Thank you for that thorough explanation of Level G and the expectations.

I was on the forum today searching for some answers because my son and I have had a very frustrating 6 months trying to work with RS Geometry. There are few lessons which he is able to understand by himself, and sometimes I am hard pressed to understand what the worksheets are expecting unless I consult the Solutions Manual (FYI, I consider myself quite competent with the sciences and math for someone who does not have a career in them). As a result, math lessons have been taking up a disproportionate amount of school time.

Knowing that level G is expected to take closer to TWO years instead of one and often requires adult teaching helps IMMENSELY. I can stop emphasizing trying to catch up to being "on schedule" and trying to force my son to figure things out on his own and instead focus on helping him at his pace, as much as he needs - without guilt. :)