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Re: Level A--adding 1 and 2 to two digit numbers


Thank you for your message. Many times children have trouble visualizing the AL Abacus. This is not uncommon.

It will come with time, no need for major concern at this point. I would suggest asking your son to visualize other objects at different times during the day. This may help him when it comes to math time.

As you know, each child learns things differently and this concept will come to him, have no fear!

Keep us posted on his results as time goes on. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.

Re: Level A--adding 1 and 2 to two digit numbers

My son had this same problem! I stayed on the same lesson for a long time before I finally decided to move on. Then a few lessons later he was doing it fine. I played a lot of "what comes after". I found that he could count to 100 fine, but if I said, "what comes after 58" he struggled. So we would count to 100, then play "what comes after" and then continue with the other lessons. After a while it just worked fine. We are in level B now and he has been having some trouble with mentally adding two digit numbers. We've gone forward, gone back, reviewed, gone forward again, and he is finally getting it. His little brother catches on to everything the first time, but my oldest just has trouble with some things. I would say keep reviewing, but don't get stuck, and don't stress out or he will, too! (If he's anything like mine. That's been my biggest mistake.)

Re: Level A--adding 1 and 2 to two digit numbers

What angilee said! :) Play lots of games, and let him use the abacus for as long as he needs it. Keep encouraging him to visualize it, but there's no major need to stick to the precise schedule that the lesson book suggests, as to when to 'wean' off the abacus. Lots of kids need it longer than that, they'll only benefit from the additional practice with it.