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Post a message or simply read what others have written and answered. Rachel, a RightStart™ Math user and one of our customer care people, will be monitoring this forum. She will respond to your questions as needed.

Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Re: math book and level A


Thank you for your message! With each level of our program we add more and more games.

It sounds like things are flowing smoothly and your child is doing well at the games and enjoying them also!

I do love the games and advise that the Math Card Games Book is a wonderful asset to any family! The book has over 300 games in it with the following chapters; Numeration, Addition, Clocks, Multiplication, Money, Subtraction, Division, and Fractions. In each chapter, the games progressively become more challenging.

In addition, the book comes with an instructional DVD. We also have some of our game instructions under YouTube and Facebook.

If you have other children this would be a wise investment for your family. We sell the book with DVD for $25 and it is required for Levels C and above.

I hope this offers some clarity to the games portion of our program! :) Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help!

Make it a great day! :)
