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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Will the abacus be used after Intermediate math is begun?

Re: abacus


Thank you for your message! When the Intermediate math, also known as, RightStart Mathematics: A Hands-On Geometric Approach begins there should not be any use of the ALabacus.

If a child is new with the program, and is working on the games, and has been struggling with basic addition and subtraction problems, they may use the ALabacus to solve the game problems.

Otherwise the ALabacus is not used throughout that level. I did get a copy of that level's description off of the website for you:

"Learn intermediate mathematics hands-on and visually through geometry. With a tool set consisting of a drawing board, T-square, triangles, compass, and goniometer, the child explores trianges, area, volume, ratios, Pythagorean theorem, tiling, and other geometry concepts. New concepts are taught while practicing arithmetic, fractions, and decimals. Student works independently."

I hope this helps clarify the ALabacus usage. Feel free to contact us with any additional questions!

Make it a great day!

Cassie :)