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fraction puzzle

when do you introduce the fraction puzzle? i've got basic montessori sensorial materials, so child has been exposed to materials before actual comprehension of concepts. wondering if puzzle would be used the same way, and which to use for 5 1/2 yr old? wood or magnet?

Re: fraction puzzle


Wonderful to get your message. The fraction charts are introduced at Level C and used in D, and E also.

As far as at what age we introduce the fraction puzzle, it is an add-on item as is the fraction magnet. We use the fraction chart as a required manipulative.

I would say for your situation that you should use the fraction puzzle considering you are using montessori sensorial materials. I love the wooded base with all the puzzle pieces fitting neatly onto the board!

I hope this helps! Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. :)

Make it a great day!

Cassie ;)