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adding to tens

My child has been enjoying RightStart so much! However, in the last week, we reached lessons 51 & 52, of adding one or two to 2 digit numbers. She is really stumbling through it. I went back and did some review of 2 digit numbers, but she's still having trouble. Is this normal? It seems funny because she did great on adding multiples of ten (ie. 40+20)

Re: adding to tens


Thank you for your message! No worries, the 2 digit numbers can be a jump for children grasp.

After talking with Dr. Cotter, she suggested that you keep presenting her with the problem and let her figure it out.

Encourage her to think hard and build her confidence that she can do the problems!

You are on the right track and she will do just fine! Let us know if you have any more questions! We are glad to help!

Make it a great day!
