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Re: Learning to add level A & B


Hello and thank you for your message! Great to hear you have been flying through level B!

I understand your concern with the 5 and 10 addition problems, however I did find some lessons that would assist in this situation. Feel free to explore lessons 12 and 14 for adding the addition facts for numbers under 10. Also look at worksheets 8, 9, 10-1, and 10-2 which give some great examples of the type of problems you are looking for.

Don't worry about the solidification of the facts, as this will come with playing the games. I also advise playing them outside "school" time, such as with family, friends, neighbor kids...whoever!

I hope this offers some insight! :) Keep us posted on the progress. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Make it a great day! :)
