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level B

my daughter is very visual, struggles with math, but I have seen much improvement since we started Right Start. (I struggled much in math in school myself.) We just finished level B (she just started 3rd. grade) and did the end-of the year test. The mental "add in your head" she cannot do - she has to write it all down and work it out. If the problem is written out, it takes quite awhile to do it, though she usually gets it right. I let her use the abacus on the ones she is really stuck on. My question is, will it harm her or hurt her if I allow her to use the abacus at times like that? Will it eventually all "click" with this method, or will she just naturally be like me - more dependent on visuals for higher numbers? (Thank you for RightStart - we no longer have tears when it's time to do math!)

Re: level B


Thank you for your message! We are delighted to hear that RightStart has made math time a no-tears time! :)

As far as the visualization process goes, its never an easy one! My advice is to let her use the AL Abacus as long as she needs. You will find your daughter will stop using it as it takes far longer to move the beads once she knows the answer!

Keep up the good work, we are happy to hear so much progress has been made to this point! Keep us posted and if you need anything else, let us know!
