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Starting Level E

I'm wondering if it would be good to have two goniometers if I have two students?

Also, we already have the centimeter cubes, but would it be wise to get another set of those too? It's very probable that we're missing a couple cubes from our original set.

Amy K

Re: Starting Level E

Hello Amy K,

Thank you for your message! How exciting to be starting 2 children on Level E! :) I did take a look to see what is needed in order to make sure each child has what they need!

I would suggest 2 goniometers would be a great suggestion. In addition I would make sure that each of them have their own drawing set tools.

As far as the centimeter cubes are concerned, as long as you haven't lost all of them, you will be just fine for your children to share!

I hope this assists in starting your school year! Please let me know if there are any other questions!

Make it a great day!

Cassie :)