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Kindy and preschool; what to buy?

I have two girls, 5.5 and 3. My 5.5 year old completed Singapore Earlybird last year and we were going to start on the next volume when we found Right Start. She places in Level B from the placement quiz, so I know where to start for her; but what to do with my 3 year old? I think I should buy Level A with B add ons, but is there a better choice for my 3 year old? When would I start her on A?

Any suggestions?

Re: Kindy and preschool; what to buy?


Hello thank you for your message! We are excited for your family to get a RightStart in Mathematics! :)

You are right on track with your plans to have a Level B and a Level A child. Great job at deciding that! As far as the easiest way to know what to get for the children, and the most cost effective, I would advise doing the following:

Level A Starter Kit
A to B Add-on Kit

you will also need an additional AL Abacus.

With this you should have everything you need for a very successful school year! :) If you need anything else please let us know, we are here to help!

Make it a great day!

Cassie :)