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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Entering numbers on the al abacus

I'm reading through my TM and just have a little question. i understand that when we enter 5 on the abacus we do it as a group. No counting them out and entering them seperately. Got that. However, when we enter (for example) 7 do I first enter the 5 as a group and then 2 as a group or all 7 at once?

Re: Entering numbers on the al abacus

Hello Julie,

Thank you for your message! When using the AL Abacus to recognize quantities above 5, you can move all the beads over at the same time.

Once your child knows 5 and can show 7 on their hands to you, they can see that 7 is just 2 more than 5. Which they can then grab the 5 beads (yellow or blue) and 2 more together and move them all together!

I hope this helps! Don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions! :)

Make it a great day!
