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Re: First time for RS - Level E or Intermediate?


Thank you for your message! When looking at your situation, and researching Saxon 54, I came up with information that I think would be helpful.

I think that since you have already done the starting level questionnaire (my first suggestion!) and it shows to go to the Intermediate Math, you have a choice to make.

Personally I would suggest doing level E to solidify some of the RightStart principles. Following level E then I would move on to the Intermediate Math. Looking at it from that perspective it gives you the confidence that the concepts they have learned are being applied into the work they are doing.

Once again you do have the choice of either level, I do feel from what you have told me that the Intermediate Math level would prove your children successful, but I understand the concern with this also.

Each child is unique, so saying what is good for one family isn't always good for another. Although for you, I would do Level E, I feel this would make you the most fulfilled.

I hope this helps. Thank you again for contacting our office. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Thank you!
