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PreK & First Grader??

Hi everyone!

I have a child starting preK and my other child is starting grade 1. I want to purchase level B for my first grader, yet including my preK in with some of the lessons to build a foundation. Is is necessary to purchase level A as well? Can I just teach him using the absolute basics from level B?

my options are too:
-buy "A" starter kit with a B add on... and a additional abacus.

-buy Level B starter kit with a level A lesson book, (do I even need the worksheets? I would be playing mostly games with him)

-buy only level B and just ass my prek in on the activities..

pls help! thank you

Re: PreK & First Grader??


Anyone??? Any opinions at all? Once I have this all figured out I can place my order.. k thnx =]

Re: PreK & First Grader??


Thank you for your message! You are right on track for your first grader on Level B! Just to verify, did you do the Starting Level Questionnaire for both children? This will help solidify the correct level decision. By the sounds of it though, you are on target!

Now as far as what to buy, as far as being the most economical, the first 23 lessons in Level B can be skipped if you have done Level A. With knowing this, I would advise to do the Level B for your older one, and start out your younger child slowly on the beginning part of the book.

I would also mention to get a second workbook because your pre-k child will spend at least one year, if not two on Level B. Also as you said, the second AL Abacus.

I hope this helps, let me know if there is anything else we can do!


Re: PreK & First Grader??

Thank you for the reply Cassie! I just placed my order and we are really excited to use RightStart.

We are actually swapping over from MathUsee Alpha... so I'm thinking we will use both depending on my children's strengths and weaknesses on certain lessons. My kid's needed something more hands on and I hope RightStart the program for my family..