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Level B Teacher Manual questions

I'm new to this forum and am using Level B with my almost 8-yr. old son. We just finished lesson 32, working with place value cards and base-10 picture cards.

I am working out of a used edition (2001). There are times when it seems to me that certain directions are either incomplete or expect the teacher to make assumptions about how to do a given activity.

I did not notice this as much in the early lessons. I'm wondering if there is a newer, updated teacher's edition in which directions for the teacher are more clarified. Or is this simply a case of user-error? :) (Very possible for me since math has never been my strong subject!)

If there is a newer edition, do you think it is worth it for me to purchase it instead of using the 2001 edition which I have?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Level B Teacher Manual questions


Thank you for your message. As with anything we are constantly making changes and revisions!

The copyright of your book should be 2001 with the actual print date being listed at the bottom of that same page.

We also have a corrections page for significant changes. You can find them under

We are happy to answer specific questions. I feel if you check the corrections area and are still struggling, give us a call at 888-272-3291 and we will guide you through!

Thank you again for the message we are happy to help in any way! Have a great day!