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what age to start?

My daughter is 4 1/2 years old. Is this a good age to start with level A? Would it better to wait until she is a bit older? She can write/knows her letters and numbers.. she knows her letter sounds and reads a few words.
Thank you,

Re: what age to start?

I think it'd be a fine age to start. I started my daughter around that age, and honestly wished I'd started her a little younger, to be honest. I'm going to start my 2nd child when he turns 4 in January. I may start it a few months earlier, depending on if he seems ready or not. I think as long as you take it at her pace, you should be fine! HTH!

Re: what age to start?

Thank you Ashley! My daughter and I will be learning together as I have never used a abacus! I can't wait! Thank you for your help.

Re: what age to start?


Thank you for your message! You are right on track to start your daughter on Level A.

By the sounds of it, she is ready to go and eager to learn! :) Level A is perfect for her. Go ahead and take it as slow as you need to, but I don't think she is going to have any troubles!

Did you do our starting level questionnaire? I would do that from our website, just to reassure your self that you and she are ready for this program!

Both of you will love this program and the hands on learning that goes along with it. The AL Abacus gives a WONDERFUL visualization and the games make learning so much fun! You will find the lessons are clearly and logically written giving your child a wonderful base. I like to say that RightStart Math makes sure your child not only do the math BUT understand it! :)

Enjoy! Please keep us posted on any questions you may have! We are here to help! :)

Have a great day!


Re: what age to start?

My daughter is starting Level A this coming September and will almost be 3.5....

Joan Cotter said to start as early as possible.