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Coming back to RightStart Math - What Level?

I previously used RightStart a few years ago with my daughter and would like to go back to using it again, but I am not sure where to start. We completed about half of Level C and then we changed to another math program.

At this point, she knows addition and substraction really well (including borrowing, multidigit problems, etc), she knows her multiplication facts well and can multiply simple multiplication problems like 24 x 5 or 500 x 3, she knows her fractions pretty well although we have not started adding and subtracting fractions yet, she understands and can perform basic division with remainders, and she understands money, time, and measuring really well.

She still needs to learn multiplying multidigit problems, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions, percents, multidigit division problems, and multiplying and dividing decimals.

So, what level would be best for the things she needs to focus on?

Re: Coming back to RightStart Math - What Level?

Hello Pam,

Welcome back to RightStart! Have you done the Starting Level Questionnaire from the website yet? I would start there and see where we are placing her at!

I also think in her areas of weakness, you should play the games more and more. The concepts that she is missing will be "found" as she plays the games!

I am thinking that she could easily be on Level D, possibly E, but make sure you have done the Starting Level Questionnaire, and worked on any of the concepts that need a little extra help by playing the games!

Also for Level D and E objectives on our website under sampler, this may give you a better idea of what you are working with!

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

Thank you and make it a great day!
