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Where to go after level Geometrical Approach?

I'm wondering where to go after Geometrical Approach if you think your DC won't do well with Videotext algebra? I don't know how well my son would do learning from a video. I find with some things, he prefers discussion and interaction rather than just have a workbook handed to him. But I want something that really explains the WHY and not just the HOW of doing things.


Re: Where to go after level Geometrical Approach?


Thank you for your message! I am not sure how much research you have done on VideoText but the lessons are actually 5-7 minutes each, then there is time for discussion with the work following.

The name "video"text can be deceiving as you would think its only video, when actuality the video part is minimal as there is plenty of time for discussion on instruction if needed.

Tom Clark the founder of VideoText has a similar teaching style and concepts as Dr Cotter. The programs gel together very well.

VideoText teaches your child to be independent while being flexible for individual instruction when needed.

Let us know if you have any more questions. And feel free to visit the VideoText website for more information, they can also give you more information on how the program works!

Thank you!

Re: Where to go after level Geometrical Approach?

Ah, thanks for your explanation. I will visit the website. I read there are some samples. I love how Dr. Cotter presents concepts and would like to continue along those lines after we finish RS G.


Another question....

I checked out VideoText and am definitely intrigued! My question is this...hoping someone here would know and save me a call to RS. If I buy the RS Geo approach + VT module A - can the cost of the Module A be put towards the cost of the total package? At the VideoText website, it said that if you buy just 1 module, and decide you want the whole program, they'll put the cost towards the whole set. I'm assuming this might not be the case if I buy module A through RS.


Re: Another question....


I checked into the total package discount and show that we do offer the discount price also. So if you buy our RS Geo Approach with the VT Mod A, then decided you wanted the whole program, the discount is found under this link

Let me know if you have any other questions, we are here to help!

Thank you and have a happy day!


Re: Another question....

That's wonderful!

Thank you Cassie,
