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Is my son behind?

My ds will be 8 in August, but he is in the second grade. I started him on Rightstart level B this year (not realizing that it is considered 1st grade level). However, he is doing excellent at this level. He enjoys math now and is really doing well with the mental math. I am just a little concerned because he will be entering the 3rd grade in the fall, but will be just beginning level C. Should I be concerned that he will be a year behind his public school friends? Anyone else have this concern? I guess I just need to be reassured.

Re: Is my son behind?


You have NO need to be worried! Your son5 is right on track with where he needs to be! Although many times level B is considered the first grade level, depending on the childs abilities and unique talents, level b can be used when the child is ready.

By the sounds of it, your son is excited to be doing so well in math (I am sure you are too!) I love to see the confidence that he is building by excelling!

By the standards Level B covers all of first grade, including a little of second and third. Therefore, Level C will have all of second grade, with some of third and fourth! :)

I see your concerns but know that not only will he know his math by using RightStart, but he will also know why he is doing it! :)

Happy Teaching!

Re: Is my son behind?

Thanks for the reply! I definitely see the benefit of starting where we did. We recently began mental math with larger numbers (i.e. 37 + 6 using the two 5's method) and he is doing very well with it. Thanks for the additional information regarding the leveling. It is very reassuring that level C will cover some 3rd and 4th grade skills as well.