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Finished level K. What level to start RSM?

My daughter will start kindergarten in the fall, but, though her own interest, has already finished the Kindergarten lessons at, which she greatly enjoyed. She wants to learn more math this summer, and I am definitely considering RightStart Math.

According to the placement quiz, she should be starting at level B, but will she miss important learning steps if we skip level A?

Re: Finished level K. What level to start RSM?

We did level A after finishing T4L K. It worked out well, IMO. I think A lays a really nice foundation for level B, and it presents some pretty advanced concepts in a very concrete and understandable way. B moves awfully fast for a 5-year-old.

Re: Finished level K. What level to start RSM?

Thank you so much! I was concerned about starting at B, as she seems stuck on counting things, and I'd really like her to get beyond that this summer.

Re: Finished level K. What level to start RSM?

We would say that typically start with level B, but remember each and every child is unique.

If you have completed the online placement form, and it shows level b would be acceptable, then I would begin with B.

The reason on this also being that level B is still considered as an introductory level reviewing many of the same concepts that are gone over in Level A.

Once again, each child is different, and you know your child's abilities best! So if you feel that level A is the best path to take, then follow through with that!

Let me know if we can be of further assistance!

Re: Finished level K. What level to start RSM?

Level A really helped my DD with the counting - now she usually puts them in sets of 5 or 10 or uses the abacus.