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Level B or C

Our 7-year-old was in public school (advanced 1st grade which is pretty much 2nd grade) this year and will be homeschooling next year. She knows place value, addition and subtraction, and some single-digit multiplication (as adding multiple groups). She is pretty much a quick learner when it comes to math as long as she can "see" it. I have pulled out the abacus many times this year to illustrate points that she wasn't understanding in her schoolwork and it has worked like a charm. I find her counting on her fingers or using tally marks often, so I have started working with her on regrouping to 10 in her head (i.e. 8+3= 8+2+1= 10+1=11). Should I start her in B or Trans/C? The quiz says level C, but I keep hearing the recommendation to start a 7-year-old at level B to be sure they have a good foundation. What do you think?

Re: Level B or C


From what you write, she should be fine in Level C, assuming she has had a math in another program.

If she was able to explain and do the problems in the Starting Questionnaire, then you will be fine doing Level C. Before you do Level C you will do the transition lessons 1-22, this will catch her up to date on major concepts we taught in Level B, then you will move on to Level C and there will be review for her to understand what was taught in the transitions. If she struggles do some games and let her have experience with the concept.

So again, it sounds like she would place well in Level C.


Re: Level B or C

Thanks Carissa!