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Re: Question about re-starting with RightStart

Hello Annette,

From the information you have given, I would vote for doing Level B.

It will teach her Place Value, number quantity--without counting, it will refresh her of information she had once learned. And you mentioned that she is counting, so to be reintroduced to the abacus, and more importantly how to add without counting will be a bigger help to her in the long run.

There will be things she will know, but given that she has been doing them differently in school, I think she should go ahead and be taught this from Level B, to help her understanding develop better. So you may find she is able to do most of it, but it will be in a more explained way, rather than just a rote, behaviorism way. Or you may be surprised to find she recognizes the symbols but not much else.

So again, with her age, her counting on her fingers, and her math experience from the previous year, I vote Level B.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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