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Switching from Saxon to RS Level B


I've just decided to switch from Saxon Math to RightStart for our spine and supplement with Singapore. I've ordered Level B for my ds(4.5), per the Starting Level Questionnaire, that we will use this fall when we begin our K5 school year.

Some background... My ds recently completed Saxon Math K and a few lessons in Saxon Math 1. I already have the Math Card Games Kit and Abacus Activities Book on hand (which by the way, led me to switch to RS), but I'm unsure if I should possibly do Level A with my ds now and during the summer to solidify concepts before we begin Level B, or if I should just continue to play the RS games with him and do our Singapore Earlybird Kindergarten series 2A & 2B (U.S. Editions). What do you think?


Re: Switching from Saxon to RS Level B

Hello Melissa,

It is possible to do Level B without doing Level A. I did that with all of my children. But I only advise doing that with EXTERME caution.

First of all, his age and his math experience would have me more comfortable with Level A, mostly because the concept of place value and number quantity is stretched out, and taught with more detail and more experiences, than Level B.

Secondly, it teaches major concepts slowly and broken down into smaller components.

If you are going to teach Level B to a child of this age be prepared to go VERY SLOW…I mean to take two years to teach it. This will mean you will most likely have to extend lessons, make up more problems for him to solve and so on. I say this with the experience of many mothers who tell me that doing Level A and then Level B was the right choice for them and their child.

Since I don’t know you or your son, I can not tell you which would be the best choice, but I will give you tips on how to know what to do.
1-Iif you think he is ready for Level B and you are ready, or able, to fill in any blanks, or walls, he may hit, and you are willing to go slow, then do Level B, and if you have trouble you can call us and we can counsel you on what to do next.
2- If you find that you really are not up for filling in the blanks, and you just want a program to show you how to teach math properly, then do Level A first then move onto Level B.

Please do not hesitate to call us at 888-272-3291 for any more questions you may have now or once you are using the program.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics