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Re: RS E

Hello Sandi,

Level E is the same teacher intensive as Level D.

Though I really understand your enjoyment of review days, don’t lose sight of the prize, and that is giving your child a superior education through mentoring your child. Regular textbooks teach your child and the curriculum is master of the child’s education. Homeschooling combined with RightStart, you have the chance to mentor your child, and provide an education where the curriculum is a tool and you are the master of the child’s education.

Besides, math is a foreign language, and like all languages, we learn best when we hear it and are taught it by a real life person, not through a book. And children at this young age (before 10yo) need to have this math language taught to them one-on-one. The good news is it won’t always be that way. When they are about 12 you will be able to hand math over to them and they will be better able to teach themselves. Again, think of it as a language. Could you imagine an eight year old learning Latin by a book alone? But you can imagine a 15 yo doing it, can’ t you? That is because the 15yo is more developed and possesses more life experience.

So yes it is nice to get those days “off” and have the review, but really, those days are not learning days, they are review days. Children need our instruction and dialogue to understand these abstract concepts we are teaching them.

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, I would suggest you put a time limit on math. No more than 30min per math session. get a timer and when it rings, stop the lesson, and pick up where you left off. I do realize you will think you are going slower, but in the end you will see that they are having more time to understand what you are teaching and you end up going faster. I also suggest that perhaps you take a school day and just do games, or have dad do games for 30 min and give yourself a break.
But in the end, just keep moving forward, and enjoy your review days…I know when two kids have a review on the same day, I am SO HAPPY!!!

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Re: RS E

Thanks Carissa. Even before you responded I decided to continue with RS. I already knew deep down the benefits of the interaction with my child in math. I really do love the program and I think it is laying a great foundation.

Again, thanks for "clarifying" what I already knew. It was encouraging to read your response.

Re: Re: RS E

I am glad to hear that you are staying the course.
and I thank you for your kind words too!