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Re: Level E and after

Hello Lynn,

I understand your confusion; choosing where to take our children next can be exhausting. In fact, I often tell friends, it feels like have to know everything, from health, to economics, to politics, and to… well, everything! Therefore, I will do my best to clarify this for you.

“I currently have a son in fourth grade using level E. We will probably only get through 2/3 of the book this year. Are we behind?”
Absolutely not! The fact is, if you never taught math and waited to have him take math in college, you would find that he would be right on track, compared to his public school counter parts, as I have read 43% to 54% of college students have to take a remedial math before they go on to algebra. And an even higher percent have to retake algebra. So it would be very hard to get behind in math skills while homeschooling.

But to answer more to the meaning you were asking. Are you behind in this curriculum? No. Usually this level is taught in 4th or 5th grade. I would say the average age of a child using this, who has used this from at least Level B, is about 10 years old. Those who started at a later level tend to be doing this level around age 11 and 12, though we do have middle school students using Level E too. So he is not behind.

“Is Geometric Approach meant to be taught in 5th? Is it meant to be covered in 1 or 2 years?”
It can be taught when the child completes Level E, which will be about 5th or 6th grade. It is meant to take two years to complete. Doing Lessons 1-90 and then three times a week doing the Geo App, and the other two days Dr. Cotter recommends doing VideoText Algebra Module A.

I personally, have done the Geo App with my son (12yo), and we just do one or sometimes two worksheets a day. I tried to do the VideoText, but found it too much to switch gears. So we just stayed with the Geo App. It has taken us over a school year and a half to do and we are near the end.

“ Will it solidify the necessary skills for higher math ex. algebra?”

Without a doubt! There is pre-algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and more in this level. This Level is jammed packed with good math lessons, but like Emily pointed out, it really should be taught with an adult. There is not enough written information for a child of this age to understand the lessons and the critical thinking skills required to do this by themselves. But I shall tell you my son and I can do the Pythagorean Theorem and find the missing side of the a triangle, or we have used the trig tangent computation to figure out how tall our trees were.

This level is quite advanced.

” What is Mrs. Cotters reasoning for geometry so early versus the continuation more foundational math?”
Actually, she is continuing foundational math during this time, which is why this is not a Geometry Course. It is Intermediate Math. That is to say, the “typical” S&S of curriculums is to do basic math grades 1-4 ( some schools to grade 5). After that for the next three years (grades 5-7, some schools to grade 8) they teach the same concepts again and again, sharpening up their rote math skills.

Dr. Cotter thinks that if children understand math then they don’t need mindless repetition of math problems on a worksheet; instead they need to have a useful experience with the application of all their math skills. Hence, her program allows such type of learning.

Dr. Cotter teaches the foundations of math through the child’s understanding, that by the time they end Level E they need an outlet to apply those skills. The Geo App fits that need.

So as I have stated, she is not doing geometry per-se, she is teaching how to apply foundational math skills using geometry idea.

“. I think I read somewhere that Mrs. Cotter is working on some other levels. Will any of them be finished by late 2009 early 2010 that would apply to me?”
I don’t think so. We recommend doing VideoText after the Geo App.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Level E and after

Thank you for that thorough explanation of Level G and the expectations.

I was on the forum today searching for some answers because my son and I have had a very frustrating 6 months trying to work with RS Geometry. There are few lessons which he is able to understand by himself, and sometimes I am hard pressed to understand what the worksheets are expecting unless I consult the Solutions Manual (FYI, I consider myself quite competent with the sciences and math for someone who does not have a career in them). As a result, math lessons have been taking up a disproportionate amount of school time.

Knowing that level G is expected to take closer to TWO years instead of one and often requires adult teaching helps IMMENSELY. I can stop emphasizing trying to catch up to being "on schedule" and trying to force my son to figure things out on his own and instead focus on helping him at his pace, as much as he needs - without guilt. :)